
Pain be gone!

How is it possible that three decades of headaches vanish after a ten minute procedure? We are still early in our discovery of how and why this happens, but this result is not a fluke. It is almost expected at this point with proper preparation. Proper preparation being body work and myofunctional therapy prior to the release of the restrictive tissues.

What's In Your Toothpaste

What’s In Your Toothpaste

Toothpaste most likely originated in China, Egypt, and India more than 6,000 years ago. In China, twigs and bones were mashed and mixed with water, salt, and flower petals to form a thick paste. This paste was then put on the end of a sharp bamboo leaf and applied to teeth. This proved to be a very effective treatment for gingivitis. Read more

Smile, Stamford Holistic Dentist

Dentists and Their Appliances

By: John Diamond, M.D.

In 1975, Dr. George Goodheart mentioned a dentist, Dr. Willie May of Albuquerque, New Mexico who was achieving cures for many systemic diseases. I decided to study with him. I remember him well: a wiry man, mercurial, always active. Filled with passion and enthusiasm. Utterly, utterly dedicated to his work. And always smiling. His program lasted a week. Read more

The Significance of the So-Called “Cleaning”

Several people now have asked me, “why do I need to have cleanings and how often should I have them?”

These are great questions which oftentimes are left unasked and unanswered. Read more